"Let me not mourn for those who have died fighting,
but rather let me be glad that such heroes have lived."
General George Patton
Louis Alvarez
Joseph Anzak, Jr.
Bernard Bailey
Olin Barkdull
Rudolph Beranek
Rudolph Bernasconi
Arnold Bliefernich
Ralph Brightfield
Kenneth Brooks
Clent Brown
Claude Bruce
Gary Bruhn
Bryson Burkholder
James Byrne
Archie Caraway
Paul Carder
Michael Carter
Thomas Carter
Dario Chavez
Ernest Coburn
George Coburn
Morrison Cotner
Donald Craw
Douglas Crawford
Ricardo Crocker
Bert Crossland
Raymond Cruize
Leon Culverhouse
Dan Cunningham
James Daniel
Francis Dietlin
Thomas Dilkess
Michael Dixon
Robert Dodson
Miguel Duarte
Bobby Edwards
Charles Eisenacher
Edward Ernst
George Escobar
Anthony Eversull
Matthew Ferrara
John Fess, Jr.
Nestor Flores
John Foley
John Foster
Perry Franklin
Micah Gifford
Stephen Grant
Gary Grubbs
Jose Gutierrez
Chelsea Hamilton
Thomas Haslet
Robert Hatter
Isaac Heath
James Herlett
Alan Hill
John Hill
Ernest Hill, Jr.
George Isbell
Jesse Johnson
Frank Jones
Herman Jones
James Judge
Mark Judge
Terreace Kandler
Michael Kessel
Bryce Kindrick
William Kirkpatrick
Lupe Lara
Stephen Lewis
Anthony Lugo
Louis Madore
Eugene Markwell
Thomas Martin
Wallace Matayoshi
Danny McMinn
Ruben Merkel
James Mitchell
Garlan Moody
Joseph Mullen
Larry Munoz
Forrest Mutschlek
John Nestor
James Newton
Robert Noble
William Nunn
Richard O'Brien
Vladimir Obidine
Arthur Parker
Raymond Pennington
Milo Plunkett
Theron Price
Thomas Price
James Prowten
Gary Purcell
Fred Quaggin
Floyd Ramsey
Paul Ratliff
John Reynolds
Robert Richardson
Everett Richhart
Larry Robillard
Tony Roomsburg
Paul Sanderson
Warren Sapp
Clarence Scheibler
Williamm Schoolcraft
Robert Searle
Eugene Shaner
Akira Shimatsu
Gregory Simonian
William Sleeth
Addison Smith
Christopher Smith
Edgar Smith
Francis Snee
Robert Stambook
Alex Stewart
William Stewart
Gregory Stone
Eugene Strieker
Rodney Strobridge
Osamu Tamura
Ted Tanouye*
Yukiwo Tanouye
William Tarrance
Richard Thayer
Royce Tidwell
Frederick Tiffany
Kenneth Tudor
Leonard Vorhis
George Walker
Ronald Wanbaugh
Richard Washer
Earl Watson
Frank Webster
Norman Wensel
Walter West
Theodore Weymouth
Ivan Wilcox
Larry Williams
Thomas Williams
Walter Wissel
Brian Wood
Charles Works
Thomas Wright
*Congressional Medal of Honor
© 2012 Denise Spurlock, Ancestral Trees Research